Overcoming Emotional Abuse

Overcoming Emotional Abuse
Overcoming emotional abuse is a very important topic to me that is close to my heart. As a former attorney, I have seen a lot of people over the years that are victims and my heart bleeds for them. I had worked with many battered, mainly women, and I heard a lot of stories. As an author and public speaker, I feel that I can help more people this way than I ever could as an attorney. Forms Of Abuse Abuse can come in so many forms. It can be emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical. The real key is to become aware of it. You may be surprised to discover that many people were raised with emotional abuse. Bad habits were unknowingly passed on from one generation to another. Although I'm sure their intentions were good, they just didn't know any better. Name Calling It could have been calling them names: "ugly," "fat," "wrong," whatever the words they choose. It can come in so many ways, and as you know, it can hurt in any way. Parents may not realize it, yet every time a negative word is spoken to the child, it's similar to "death by a thousand cuts". You may not see the effects at first, yet they have more of an impact than you believe. Unfortunately, when many kids become adults, they are already accustomed to emotional abuse by being called names. Becoming trapped in emotionally abusive relationships as an adult always feels comfortable, since you've been used to it for years. Once you realize it from the name calling, you will be in a better position to overcome emotional abusive. Take Responsibility As an adult, the real key is to take responsibility and find the love and happiness in you. Like anything else in life that's worthwhile, it takes work, but I have faith in you that you can do it. Start by researching and talking with other people. You may want to attend support groups or therapy. Constantly work on yourself spiritually. You have so much love in you. Work on yourself every day. Let me know how you are overcoming emotional abuse. I'd love to hear from you. I love you! Lori Moreno